Saturday, September 8, 2012

I Love A Good Surprise and a Good Waffle!

The last week has been one of those weeks when all feels right with the world - well, my world anyway.  I am truly blessed.  A few months ago, my precious daughter-in-law Jessica suggested that the one thing my son Matt would love more than anything for his birthday was a surprise visit from his family.  So last week my husband, daughter, son-in-law, grandson,  granddaughter, and I  flew to NY for the big surprise!!  Our dear, dear friends welcomed all of us into their gorgeous Long Island home and the fun began.  Matt was truly surprised and thrilled beyond words to have all of us there.  Matt and Jess have lived in NYC for a few years now making their dreams come true.  I am so incredibly proud of them for their determination and persistence.  They have made New York home and are a formidable team.  As proud as I am of them, I miss them every single day.  A big piece of my heart lives in the Big Apple.

Going to New York, the land of pizza, pasta, and bagels, meant that this Paleo convert had to be on guard.  I prepared myself mentally to resist the temptations of all things off limits, reminding myself how much better I feel since giving up grains and sugar, specifically.  From what I have read, there may come a time when my gut is healed enough to allow myself a slice of pizza or a bagel with cream cheese, but eight months is not enough time to be fully healed.  I am happy to report that I never had any moments of weakness.  Knowing that we had a very short amount of time to do a whole bunch of activities meant that I could not afford any digestive disturbances.  After all, my grandbabies had to go to Toys-R-Us and the Central Park Zoo!!!  So, I ate a lot of organic fresh vegetables, fruits, meats, seeds, and nuts.  New York has a ton of Paleo friendly eating spots.  A few of my favorites were Carmines, Chop't and Bareburger. 

While staying at our dear friends Karen and Warren's house, Karen made the most delicious Belgian waffles one morning for breakfast.  I know they were the most delicious waffles because EVERYONE KEPT TELLING ME THEY WERE!!  The oohs and aahs, the lip smacking and plate licking convinced me that they were all eating something pretty special.  Karen's recipe included Bisquick and club soda and one of those amazing, really fancy Belgian waffle makers (like those swanky hotels use!)  Well, my son-in-law LOVES waffles and he LOVES gadgets, so twenty four hours after returning home, he ordered one for his family!!!  We were all so excited when it arrived yesterday, knowing that this morning would be Waffle- Mania at the Smith house!!   I was so thrilled to try a Paleo friendly recipe.  IT WAS DELICIOUS.   Crispy, light, with a hint of sweetness.   This time the oohs, aahs, lip smacking, and plate licking all came from me!!  Trust me, you want to make these!!

Almond Belgian Waffle
1 cup of almond flour (I used Trader Joe's)
4 eggs
1/4 teaspoon of sea salt
1/4 teaspoon of baking soda
1teaspoon of cinammon
1 teaspoon of vanilla
2 tablespoons of honey
Mix all ingredients.  Let them sit for ten minutes.  Cook according to waffle maker.  Top with fresh fruit, full maple syrup, nuts, or just enjoy as is! 
I'll be back soon.  We still need to chat about supplements.  Stay healthy.  Be happy.

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