Monday, September 10, 2012

Support, Supplements and Snack

Growing up I played sports, was a cheerleader and was even voted Most School Spirit by my senior class.  So from an early age I understood and appreciated the value of team work.  A group of people working together to achieve a common goal is inspiring and exciting.  Well, I haven't played first base or done a cartwheel into a split in a VERY long time, but now (maybe more than ever),  I am thankful to be part of a team.  This team I am referring to is my beloved family and cherished friends.  When I began this Paleo journey eight months ago, I was a rookie:  nervous, eager, and unsure.  Because my MS symptoms had become all consuming and my health was declining rapidly, I was in a different position than everyone else around me.  I had no choice.  I HAD to give this a shot.  I was starting this journey alone.  I shared the videos I found and the books I read with those closest to me.  It did not take long before my team was formed!  One by one they jumped on board to support and encourage me.  My NP husband loves to eat.  He is an ice cream licking, cookie munching, chicken fried steak loving Texas boy.  It did take him several months to "get" what I was doing.  The proof was in the pudding (so to speak) for him.  Once he saw me experiencing less pain and no digestive issues, he became my biggest cheerleader.  He is now very considerate of my choices and respectful of my limitations.  I am grateful (and secretly praying for the day that he wants to try this lifestyle change for his own health!)  My four kids are the heart and soul of my team.  They have been with me through the worst that MS has to offer.  They have held my legs through the tremors, wiped my face after a chemo treatment, and literally picked me up when I have fallen.  A mama will do anything for her children, and when the going gets tough on this Paleo journey, my kids are often the driving force behind my choice to stay the course.  There are no words to express how uplifting it is to hear your adult children say, "We are proud of you, Mom!" or "Thank you for working so hard to get well!" or "We love you, Mom, and thank God this is helping you!"  Additionally, my extended family and friends are incredibly supportive as well.  For me, the most exciting part of this is that loved ones are now seeking information and arming themselves with the knowledge to start their own personal journeys toward healthier and happier lives.  I may have been Paleo's first round draft choice, but I am not alone.  Our team is going to set some records!

In addition to the support of family and friends, supplements play a very supportive role for me in my personal Paleo plan.  The more I read about Paleo the more I have come to understand that there are varied opinions and thoughts on many topics within the diet.  One subject that draws much controversy is supplements.  Please remember that I am not a doctor, a nutritionist, or a scientist.  What I am going to share with you is what works for me.  Taking into account that I am a post menopausal woman with an autoimmune disease, these are the supplements that I have researched and chosen to include in my daily regimen.  I just hope sharing them will encourage you to look into what might support your goals.  I am not advocating what you should take, just advocating education.
( I have chosen all supplements that are of the highest quality, gluten/dairy/soy free.  I choose to take the recommended dose in most cases, unless otherwise stated below.)
1.  First and foremost for me is a PROBIOTIC.  This is key to helping heal my gut.  I never realized how much of our body's overall health is determined by the condition of our gut.  Suffering from something called "leaky gut" (it is as disgusting as it sounds), I make sure that my probiotic contains Saccharomyces boulardi. 
2.  Krill Oil - Again, be certain that you are using a high quality supplement.  Please do your research where this is concerned.  Krill Oil provides essential Omega 3's like EPA and DHA which are critical for supporting heart health, immune function, and a positive attitude. 
3.  Vitamin D3 - It is really a pro hormone and is vital to immunity.  I really can't say enough about the importance of D3.  It is also responsible for many elements of brain development and behavior.  Our best source is from the sun (which I love), but I also supplement with 5,000 IU daily.
4.  Vitamin K2 - My research led me to understand that osteoporosis and heart disease were two reasons that I wanted to be sure to supplement with K2. 
5.  Magnesium (malate) - If we don't have optimal magnesium levels we are not going to have optimal energy levels.  When I first started Paleo I felt sluggish and had muscle aches.  Research led me to learn that I was probably magnesium depleted.  A supplement helped immediately. 
6.  CoQ10 - Living a paleo lifestyle means increased activity levels.  The heart muscle is critical and heart disease is a major killer in our country.  Ubiquinol has been shown to be superior in a group of seriously ill patients with advanced cardiac disorders.  This convinced me that I needed this supplement for my dietary change.
7.  Pyrroloquinoline quinone or PQQ - Vital when we are converting from being a sugar burning body to a fat burning one. 
8.  B vitamins - Another huge one for me.  B's are critical for our health, specifically cancer and heart disease.  Our B12 levels are key for optimal thyroid functioning as well.
9.  DHEA/Melatonin - Many of us suffer from poor sleep patterns.  It is a top disturbance for those of us with autoimmune issues.  Reestablishing optimal sleep is vital to this lifestyle.  Sleep is critical because it is when all cellular repair is done by our bodies. 
10.  A quality Multivitamin - this is critical because no matter how mindful we are being of the food we are eating, there are still various nutrient depletions in our food supply. 
So, there you have my top ten assists!

And finally, some days there is nothing more supportive than a snack!  A good, comforting snack!  I made these yesterday and they were the perfect Sunday muffin to eat while watching the game (Go Peyton!!)

Paleo Banana Muffins
In one bowl sift together (sifting really does make the difference)
2 cups of almond flour
1 teaspoon of baking soda
1 teaspoon of baking powder
1/2 teaspoon of sea salt
1 teaspoon of cinnamon
In another bowl, mash and mix
3 very ripe bananas
3 eggs
1 tablespoon of honey
1 tablespoon of vanilla
1/3 cup of melted coconut oil (let get room temperature before adding)
Pour the wet ingredients into the dry and stir by hand until mixed.
Pour into paper lined muffin tins.
Bake in preheated 375 oven for 20-25 minutes.  Cool ten minutes then enjoy!! 

Thank you for visiting.  I look forward to next time.  Stay healthy!  Be happy!


  1. I have tried to post a comment several times and it is not showing up. I am hoping this one will. I want to say thank you so much for your blog. Your story is my story except that my husband divorced me after 25 years of marriage. I am a devout Christian and was having a hard time with the evolution thing. You made me feel so much better after reading your blog. I am hoping for the same results as you and really thank God for showing me this blog. Cindy

  2. I love the recipes you always add at the bottom. As a celiac who is constantly looking for new ways to try the old stuff I appreciate them. Thank you mrs klepac!!
