Monday, September 17, 2012

In My Dreams.......

I keep having the weirdest dreams of .......Richard Simmons!!  You know, the curly headed, now sixty four year old, perpetually oily fitness guru????

Well, I am not ashamed to admit that I LOVE Richard Simmons!!  It's probably my age talking, but for many years I have genuinely enjoyed his ubridled enthusiasm, super high energy, and obvious passion for helping women get fit!!  Thanks to Richard, I have done aerobics, Sweatin' to the Oldies style many times.  To this day, if I hear that Richard is going to be a guest on David Letterman, I tune in!!  As much as I enjoy Richard Simmons, I have to admit seeing him in my dreams is a little....disturbing!

After giving it much thought, I have decided that dreaming of Richard can only mean one thing.  My subconcious mind is telling me that it is time for me to take my Paleo lifestyle change to a new level.  It is time to incorporate the physical piece of this fitness puzzle. 

I have always enjoyed walking for fitness and continue to do so on a consistent basis.  However, given that I have lost a little weight on Paleo (can I hear an Amen!), my body desperately needs some toning!! Things are just not in the right places, and my skin is hangin' loose, if you know what I mean!! 

Well, CrossFit is a very common (and AMAZING) fitness choice for many Paleo-ers.  After educating myself on the rigors of CrossFit, I am here to tell you that I am not ready for that kind of intensity.  I have limitations due to my disease and I have limitations due to my total lack of confidence in my physical ability (at this point) to jump right into the CrossFit arena.   It is a personal goal that I have set for myself to someday be a CrossFit athlete, but I know that to start there would be wrong for me.  But, what's a girl to do???

Well, my very wise daughter suggested that I find a personal trainer.  Hmm, working with a personal trainer.  Me?  Working with a really physically fit, totally healthy personal trainer???  I was extremely intimidated to even start the search.  But after a couple of weeks of complete fear driven procrastination, I was convicted!  I desired to get lean and mean and I wasn't going to do that sitting on the couch (no matter how many grain free, sugar free, dairy free days I waited!)

So, I prayed for the confidence to search out the person that I knew the Lord already had waiting for me, and prayers answered, I start working with MY new personal trainer tomorrow!!!  I am so excited, I am almost giddy.  Our first meeting to get to know each other went beautifully.  She put me at ease immediately with her unassuming confidence and obvious passion for the health and wellness of her clients.  She listened to my concerns and supported my personal goals.  I think we are going to make a terrific team.  So, thanks to Richard Simmons, I don't have to just dream of having a strong core and killer arms....I can work for them!   Stay tuned and I will share what I learn.

In the meantime, how does chocolate covered bacon sound????  Amazing, I know!!!

Chocolate Covered Bacon

1 pound of thick bacon (no nitrates)
1/2 pound of dark chocolate (I used Lindt 90%)
2 tablespoons of ghee (I buy mine at the local health food store)

Fry up the bacon to crispy.  Drain on a paper towel, let cool.
In a double boiler, melt dark chocolate and ghee.  Stir constantly.  Watch carefully, so you don't burn.
Dip bacon into the chocolate.  Place on parchment paper or foil to cool.  Enjoy (occasionally!)

Stay healthy!  Be happy!


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