Monday, September 17, 2012

In My Dreams.......

I keep having the weirdest dreams of .......Richard Simmons!!  You know, the curly headed, now sixty four year old, perpetually oily fitness guru????

Well, I am not ashamed to admit that I LOVE Richard Simmons!!  It's probably my age talking, but for many years I have genuinely enjoyed his ubridled enthusiasm, super high energy, and obvious passion for helping women get fit!!  Thanks to Richard, I have done aerobics, Sweatin' to the Oldies style many times.  To this day, if I hear that Richard is going to be a guest on David Letterman, I tune in!!  As much as I enjoy Richard Simmons, I have to admit seeing him in my dreams is a little....disturbing!

After giving it much thought, I have decided that dreaming of Richard can only mean one thing.  My subconcious mind is telling me that it is time for me to take my Paleo lifestyle change to a new level.  It is time to incorporate the physical piece of this fitness puzzle. 

I have always enjoyed walking for fitness and continue to do so on a consistent basis.  However, given that I have lost a little weight on Paleo (can I hear an Amen!), my body desperately needs some toning!! Things are just not in the right places, and my skin is hangin' loose, if you know what I mean!! 

Well, CrossFit is a very common (and AMAZING) fitness choice for many Paleo-ers.  After educating myself on the rigors of CrossFit, I am here to tell you that I am not ready for that kind of intensity.  I have limitations due to my disease and I have limitations due to my total lack of confidence in my physical ability (at this point) to jump right into the CrossFit arena.   It is a personal goal that I have set for myself to someday be a CrossFit athlete, but I know that to start there would be wrong for me.  But, what's a girl to do???

Well, my very wise daughter suggested that I find a personal trainer.  Hmm, working with a personal trainer.  Me?  Working with a really physically fit, totally healthy personal trainer???  I was extremely intimidated to even start the search.  But after a couple of weeks of complete fear driven procrastination, I was convicted!  I desired to get lean and mean and I wasn't going to do that sitting on the couch (no matter how many grain free, sugar free, dairy free days I waited!)

So, I prayed for the confidence to search out the person that I knew the Lord already had waiting for me, and prayers answered, I start working with MY new personal trainer tomorrow!!!  I am so excited, I am almost giddy.  Our first meeting to get to know each other went beautifully.  She put me at ease immediately with her unassuming confidence and obvious passion for the health and wellness of her clients.  She listened to my concerns and supported my personal goals.  I think we are going to make a terrific team.  So, thanks to Richard Simmons, I don't have to just dream of having a strong core and killer arms....I can work for them!   Stay tuned and I will share what I learn.

In the meantime, how does chocolate covered bacon sound????  Amazing, I know!!!

Chocolate Covered Bacon

1 pound of thick bacon (no nitrates)
1/2 pound of dark chocolate (I used Lindt 90%)
2 tablespoons of ghee (I buy mine at the local health food store)

Fry up the bacon to crispy.  Drain on a paper towel, let cool.
In a double boiler, melt dark chocolate and ghee.  Stir constantly.  Watch carefully, so you don't burn.
Dip bacon into the chocolate.  Place on parchment paper or foil to cool.  Enjoy (occasionally!)

Stay healthy!  Be happy!


Thursday, September 13, 2012

Holy Kale, Batman!

The only green thing that I have ever gotten excited about eating is a big bowl of mint chocolate chip ice cream!!  Well, my mom used to make these incredible green grasshopper parfaits with creme de menthe that were ahhhh-mazing, but I digress......

In my new Paleo world, greens are key -  which meant I had to broaden my horizons.  I tolerated and even occasionally enjoyed broccoli, romaine, and spinach.  But every cookbook I read or blog I visited always mentioned kale.   I'm embrassed to admit that I had no idea what kale was really.  Well, to be honest, I thought they were those pretty, colorful leaves used on banquet tables for decoration!

Turns out, that is exactly what kale is - and ornamental kale is as edible as all the other varieties.

Kale is a form of cabbage.  It is very high in beta carotene, vitamin K, vitamin C, lutein, zeaxanthin, and even calcium. When chopped, kale even contains sulforaphane, a chemical with potent anti-cancer properties. 

I have learned that kale freezes really well and even tastes sweeter once it has been frozen.  Kale is  very versatile; being an intense raw addition to salads;  sauteed with garlic, olive oil, salt and pepper for a savory side dish; or even dehydrated into a potato chip-like consistency for snacking. 

According to, "Kale's nutrient richness stands out in three particular areas:  1. antioxident nutrients, 2.  anti-inflammatory nutrients, and 3.  anti-cancer nutrients in the form of glucosinolates.  Without sufficient intake of antioxidents, our oxygen metabolism can become compromised, and we can experience a metabolic problem called "oxidative stress."  Without sufficient intake of anti-inflammatory nutrients, regulation of our inflammatory system can become compromised, and we can experience the problem of chronic inflammation.  Oxidative stress and chronic inflammation - and the combination of these metabolic problems - are risk factors for development of cancer.  We've seen research studies on 5 specific types of cancer - including bladder cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, ovarian cancer, and prostate cancer - and intake of cruciferous vegetables (specifically kale).  As a group, these studies definitely show cancer preventative benefits from kale intake, and in some cases, treatment benefits as well."

All those big fancy scientific words aside, bottom line, Kale sounded like something I should include in my new 'eat to live' plan.  So, I did my research, a little experimenting, and have a couple of my favorite kale recipes to share:

Sauteed Kale
2 bunches of kale (be sure to remove the stems and ribs and chop thinly)
2 tablespoons of olive oil
1/4 teaspoon of sea salt
1 smashed garlic clove
1 lime
In pan on low heat, saute olive oil and garlic.  Garlic can burn quickly, so watch carefully.  Add Kale, salt and mix together, sauteeing until kale is tender.  Add the juice of the lime at the end for brightness and added flavor.  Done.  Delicious.  Enjoy.

Sneaky Kale Smoothie
("Sneaky" because my husband hates kale.  But what he doesn't know is the smoothie he just devoured, had kale in it!!  Shhhh.)
1/2 cup of blueberries
1/2 cup of raspberries
2 tablespoons of almond butter
1 bunch of kale (stems and ribs removed, chopped very thinly)
2 ripe bananas
Blend on highest setting (mine says smoothie) until desired consistency.  Yum.

Did I seriously just devote an entire blog post to KALE???  I really did and I am here to tell you that although this kale smoothie may not be mint chocolate chip ice cream, it is my new favorite dessert with benefits!!

Next, I really want to try dehydrating that magical green and make some "chips'!  Stay tuned.  Until then, Stay Healthy!  Be Happy!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Give the Old Dog a Treat!

I had a real (to borrow an expression from Oprah) Ah-Ha moment the other day.  While walking through the grocery store, I saw a display of cookies that, in the past, would have stopped me dead in my tracks.  I am not proud to admit it, but there may have been times in my life when I could and would single-handedly eat the entire bag.  Not proud - just honest!!  These cookies had a mysterious power over me.  Without giving it a second thought, I would buy the bag, rip it open, and mindlessly eat each cookie!  Well, this time those cookies are not what stopped me dead in my tracks.  Nope, I just walked right by them without a second thought.  No magnetic pull, no watering mouth, no temptation.  Instead, I got absolutely giddy when I saw the huge display of....(wait for it) organic apples!!!  They were so shiny and red.  I even called my daughter Ash to tell her that honeycrisps were back in the store!!  It was a great day.

Well my squeals of delight over fruit made me realize just how differently I was thinking about food now.  I really was experiencing a mental transformation.  I have always enjoyed cooking healthy, nutritious meals, but my biggest downfall came to my snacking choices.  I have always had a sweet tooth and I have always loved, even craved, bready products.  So, my grab and go choices were bad - really bad.  Let me show you what I mean.  Pre Paleo, my top five favorite treats (don't judge!):

5.  Mallomars - What are those you ask???  A little bit of graham cracker, a little bit of marshmallow, a little bit of chocolate.
4.  Bagels - Sesame with cream cheese, to be exact!

3.  Doughnuts - Jelly for me, please.

2.  Milano cookies - These are the ones with the mysterious, magnetic field pulling me in!

And, without a doubt, number 1. Pizza - I am Italian and from New York.  It's in my DNA!

Well, as delicious as those snacks may be,  not one of these old timey treats is Paleo.  I haven't had as much as a bite of any of these in eight months.

But, there is good news - great news, really.  I have a new top five snacks.  They are healthy, nutritious, Paleo friendly, and really do call my name.  I am shocked to realize that I am now a person who goes to the store looking for these items.  I am amazed that I am now that person who eats and genuinely enjoys these healthy alternatives.  I'd love to share.  Who knows, maybe you'd enjoy some of these, too!

5.  Organic grass fed beef jerky - I always thought that beef jerky was a snack that my husband and boys ate at the deer lease!  Turns out that it is high in protein and minerals and really tasty.

4.  Avocado - I eat a half of an avocado almost daily.  They are heart healthy and full of Oleic Acid which has been proven to prevent breast cancer.

3.  Blanched almonds - A handful are rich in Calcium and Vitamin E.  I recently received a compliment on my skin - must be the almonds because that has never happened before!

2.  Fruit - specifically berries!  There is strong scientific evidence that berries have beneficial effects on the brain and memory.

And, without a doubt, my new number 1.  Dark Chocolate - A small amount of very dark chocolate has been proven to improve blood flow, prevent blood clots, regulate blood sugar, improve cognitive function, and serve as an antioxidant.

So, I guess you really can teach an old dog new tricks!!  My new grab and go treats are proof positive.

In closing, in lieu of a recipe, I am going to encourage you to run to the grocery store, farmer's market, or organic health food store and grab a basket of apples.  So shiny and red!

Until next time, Stay Healthy!  Be Happy!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Support, Supplements and Snack

Growing up I played sports, was a cheerleader and was even voted Most School Spirit by my senior class.  So from an early age I understood and appreciated the value of team work.  A group of people working together to achieve a common goal is inspiring and exciting.  Well, I haven't played first base or done a cartwheel into a split in a VERY long time, but now (maybe more than ever),  I am thankful to be part of a team.  This team I am referring to is my beloved family and cherished friends.  When I began this Paleo journey eight months ago, I was a rookie:  nervous, eager, and unsure.  Because my MS symptoms had become all consuming and my health was declining rapidly, I was in a different position than everyone else around me.  I had no choice.  I HAD to give this a shot.  I was starting this journey alone.  I shared the videos I found and the books I read with those closest to me.  It did not take long before my team was formed!  One by one they jumped on board to support and encourage me.  My NP husband loves to eat.  He is an ice cream licking, cookie munching, chicken fried steak loving Texas boy.  It did take him several months to "get" what I was doing.  The proof was in the pudding (so to speak) for him.  Once he saw me experiencing less pain and no digestive issues, he became my biggest cheerleader.  He is now very considerate of my choices and respectful of my limitations.  I am grateful (and secretly praying for the day that he wants to try this lifestyle change for his own health!)  My four kids are the heart and soul of my team.  They have been with me through the worst that MS has to offer.  They have held my legs through the tremors, wiped my face after a chemo treatment, and literally picked me up when I have fallen.  A mama will do anything for her children, and when the going gets tough on this Paleo journey, my kids are often the driving force behind my choice to stay the course.  There are no words to express how uplifting it is to hear your adult children say, "We are proud of you, Mom!" or "Thank you for working so hard to get well!" or "We love you, Mom, and thank God this is helping you!"  Additionally, my extended family and friends are incredibly supportive as well.  For me, the most exciting part of this is that loved ones are now seeking information and arming themselves with the knowledge to start their own personal journeys toward healthier and happier lives.  I may have been Paleo's first round draft choice, but I am not alone.  Our team is going to set some records!

In addition to the support of family and friends, supplements play a very supportive role for me in my personal Paleo plan.  The more I read about Paleo the more I have come to understand that there are varied opinions and thoughts on many topics within the diet.  One subject that draws much controversy is supplements.  Please remember that I am not a doctor, a nutritionist, or a scientist.  What I am going to share with you is what works for me.  Taking into account that I am a post menopausal woman with an autoimmune disease, these are the supplements that I have researched and chosen to include in my daily regimen.  I just hope sharing them will encourage you to look into what might support your goals.  I am not advocating what you should take, just advocating education.
( I have chosen all supplements that are of the highest quality, gluten/dairy/soy free.  I choose to take the recommended dose in most cases, unless otherwise stated below.)
1.  First and foremost for me is a PROBIOTIC.  This is key to helping heal my gut.  I never realized how much of our body's overall health is determined by the condition of our gut.  Suffering from something called "leaky gut" (it is as disgusting as it sounds), I make sure that my probiotic contains Saccharomyces boulardi. 
2.  Krill Oil - Again, be certain that you are using a high quality supplement.  Please do your research where this is concerned.  Krill Oil provides essential Omega 3's like EPA and DHA which are critical for supporting heart health, immune function, and a positive attitude. 
3.  Vitamin D3 - It is really a pro hormone and is vital to immunity.  I really can't say enough about the importance of D3.  It is also responsible for many elements of brain development and behavior.  Our best source is from the sun (which I love), but I also supplement with 5,000 IU daily.
4.  Vitamin K2 - My research led me to understand that osteoporosis and heart disease were two reasons that I wanted to be sure to supplement with K2. 
5.  Magnesium (malate) - If we don't have optimal magnesium levels we are not going to have optimal energy levels.  When I first started Paleo I felt sluggish and had muscle aches.  Research led me to learn that I was probably magnesium depleted.  A supplement helped immediately. 
6.  CoQ10 - Living a paleo lifestyle means increased activity levels.  The heart muscle is critical and heart disease is a major killer in our country.  Ubiquinol has been shown to be superior in a group of seriously ill patients with advanced cardiac disorders.  This convinced me that I needed this supplement for my dietary change.
7.  Pyrroloquinoline quinone or PQQ - Vital when we are converting from being a sugar burning body to a fat burning one. 
8.  B vitamins - Another huge one for me.  B's are critical for our health, specifically cancer and heart disease.  Our B12 levels are key for optimal thyroid functioning as well.
9.  DHEA/Melatonin - Many of us suffer from poor sleep patterns.  It is a top disturbance for those of us with autoimmune issues.  Reestablishing optimal sleep is vital to this lifestyle.  Sleep is critical because it is when all cellular repair is done by our bodies. 
10.  A quality Multivitamin - this is critical because no matter how mindful we are being of the food we are eating, there are still various nutrient depletions in our food supply. 
So, there you have my top ten assists!

And finally, some days there is nothing more supportive than a snack!  A good, comforting snack!  I made these yesterday and they were the perfect Sunday muffin to eat while watching the game (Go Peyton!!)

Paleo Banana Muffins
In one bowl sift together (sifting really does make the difference)
2 cups of almond flour
1 teaspoon of baking soda
1 teaspoon of baking powder
1/2 teaspoon of sea salt
1 teaspoon of cinnamon
In another bowl, mash and mix
3 very ripe bananas
3 eggs
1 tablespoon of honey
1 tablespoon of vanilla
1/3 cup of melted coconut oil (let get room temperature before adding)
Pour the wet ingredients into the dry and stir by hand until mixed.
Pour into paper lined muffin tins.
Bake in preheated 375 oven for 20-25 minutes.  Cool ten minutes then enjoy!! 

Thank you for visiting.  I look forward to next time.  Stay healthy!  Be happy!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

I Love A Good Surprise and a Good Waffle!

The last week has been one of those weeks when all feels right with the world - well, my world anyway.  I am truly blessed.  A few months ago, my precious daughter-in-law Jessica suggested that the one thing my son Matt would love more than anything for his birthday was a surprise visit from his family.  So last week my husband, daughter, son-in-law, grandson,  granddaughter, and I  flew to NY for the big surprise!!  Our dear, dear friends welcomed all of us into their gorgeous Long Island home and the fun began.  Matt was truly surprised and thrilled beyond words to have all of us there.  Matt and Jess have lived in NYC for a few years now making their dreams come true.  I am so incredibly proud of them for their determination and persistence.  They have made New York home and are a formidable team.  As proud as I am of them, I miss them every single day.  A big piece of my heart lives in the Big Apple.

Going to New York, the land of pizza, pasta, and bagels, meant that this Paleo convert had to be on guard.  I prepared myself mentally to resist the temptations of all things off limits, reminding myself how much better I feel since giving up grains and sugar, specifically.  From what I have read, there may come a time when my gut is healed enough to allow myself a slice of pizza or a bagel with cream cheese, but eight months is not enough time to be fully healed.  I am happy to report that I never had any moments of weakness.  Knowing that we had a very short amount of time to do a whole bunch of activities meant that I could not afford any digestive disturbances.  After all, my grandbabies had to go to Toys-R-Us and the Central Park Zoo!!!  So, I ate a lot of organic fresh vegetables, fruits, meats, seeds, and nuts.  New York has a ton of Paleo friendly eating spots.  A few of my favorites were Carmines, Chop't and Bareburger. 

While staying at our dear friends Karen and Warren's house, Karen made the most delicious Belgian waffles one morning for breakfast.  I know they were the most delicious waffles because EVERYONE KEPT TELLING ME THEY WERE!!  The oohs and aahs, the lip smacking and plate licking convinced me that they were all eating something pretty special.  Karen's recipe included Bisquick and club soda and one of those amazing, really fancy Belgian waffle makers (like those swanky hotels use!)  Well, my son-in-law LOVES waffles and he LOVES gadgets, so twenty four hours after returning home, he ordered one for his family!!!  We were all so excited when it arrived yesterday, knowing that this morning would be Waffle- Mania at the Smith house!!   I was so thrilled to try a Paleo friendly recipe.  IT WAS DELICIOUS.   Crispy, light, with a hint of sweetness.   This time the oohs, aahs, lip smacking, and plate licking all came from me!!  Trust me, you want to make these!!

Almond Belgian Waffle
1 cup of almond flour (I used Trader Joe's)
4 eggs
1/4 teaspoon of sea salt
1/4 teaspoon of baking soda
1teaspoon of cinammon
1 teaspoon of vanilla
2 tablespoons of honey
Mix all ingredients.  Let them sit for ten minutes.  Cook according to waffle maker.  Top with fresh fruit, full maple syrup, nuts, or just enjoy as is! 
I'll be back soon.  We still need to chat about supplements.  Stay healthy.  Be happy.